Saturday, May 30, 2020

Teachers Should Carry Weapons Essay - 1925 Words

Teachers should carry weapons (Essay Sample) Content: NameCourseCourse InstructorDateTeachers should carry weaponsIntroductionInsecurity has been a serious issue around the globe. The rising insecurity acts as a major hindrance to various forms of accomplishments. Recently, there have been concerns over insecurity in the campuses. It has become a serious problem due to its effects on learning in the campuses. This is because it affects the agenda of both teachers and students. The students may find it difficult to learn in an unsafe environment while the teachers cannot also be able to discharge their duties in such an environment. Moreover, an insecure school may also make it difficult for students and hence majority of them may end up hating such an environment. Furthermore, this may affect the grades of students in such campuses and the overall performance. Insecurity in campuses may occur in various forms. They may include gang activities, thefts, bullying, gun use, and assault (Volokh and Snel 1). However, the use of guns in schools in committing violence has attracted a whopping debate in the society. This is because gun violence in campuses has had a devastating consequence in the recent past. The use of guns by the students in committing violence has resulted to injury and death of teachers and students. Moreover, a number of families have been affected by increasing use of guns in campuses by students when their children are killed or injured. The consequences are beyond imagination. For this reason, there have been continued advocacy that teachers should be armed to avert the burgeoning crisis in the campuses by providing them with concealed guns and required training (Lott and Mustard 3). It is believed the effort will help in reducing crime rates in campuses. However, there are also those that have been against arming teachers citing various reasons for their opposition. Overall, there must be a solution to the problems based on the current statistics of gang violence in schools. Teach ers should carry guns as it will help in boosting security in campus, increase student confidence, create fear to the assailants, buy time before arrival of security personnel, and acts as a self defense.Weapons can go a long way in providing security to the teachers. The weapons will play a significant role in self-defense. This is because such premises are becoming dangerous with time. This makes it difficult for teachers to protect themselves from the rising insecurity. In fact, there has been declining provision of security to faculty in various colleges and universities. A classical example has been recent incidences where some of their students have killed teachers due to gun use (Shoichet, Watts and Johnston 1). Teachers have been shot while teaching in the classrooms. Moreover, there are those that have been shot while trying to help students run for cover. An example was the recent shooting in Nevada where a teacher Mike Landsberry was shot while trying to help the screamin g students (Shoichet, Watts and Johnston 1). The teacher was trying to avert the crisis by pleading with the attacker to put down the gun. The situation shows the essence of arming teachers so that they can be able to prevent commission of such crime. For example, if the teacher was armed, it was possible to deter the commission of crime by shooting the assailants in either the leg or arm. Therefore, the death of the teacher and the two students could have been prevented by just arming teachers. Arming teachers can also reduce the danger of attack in campuses. A research carried out has shown that American college campus is not increasingly becoming dangerous in which students nor the faculties are safe (Birnbaum 1). Therefore, the increased violence calls for increasing the number of people armed in schools (Birnbaum 1). The individual to be armed may include teachers and other administrative staffs. The proponents argue that reducing control on guns may act as a deterrent to viol ence (Birnbaum 1). A study carried out has shown that allowing citizens without criminal records and mental problems to carry concealed handguns acted as a deterrent to violence (Lott and Mustard 3). The survey indicated that adoption of the right to carry concealed guns could have helped in reduce incidences of murders, rapes, and aggravated assaults (Lott and Mustard 3). Moreover, concealed guns have a high chance of deterring crimes in the highest crime counties (Lott and Mustard 3). The same can apply to teachers one they get the prerequisite training on handling and use of weapons. Such teachers will be able to prevent the commission of crimes within the school premises. Consequently, the number of murders and injuries being reported because of gun violence in schools can be reduced drastically.Arming teachers will help in reducing incidents of shooting. A recent article indicates that, despite increased security, school shooting is still on the rise. According to Ronalds Step hens who is responsible for schools safety, there has been about 500 school-associated violent deaths in the past 20 years (Associated Press 1). This indicates that measures put in place to provide security in schools are not effective or adequate. This may be due to the existence of some loopholes in the security setup. One of the significant loopholes may be due to lack of provision of arms to the teachers. For example, most of the gun violence has been committed in the presence of teachers who are unable to do anything, as they are also insecure. Such incidences shave been reported in Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Tennessee (Associated Press 1). Moreover, gunfire continues to echo trough school hallways killing and injuring some of the teachers and students. In fact, such teachers have become the victims while trying to deter the omission of crimes with their bare hands. Hence, provision of concealed guns to such teachers can go a long way in preventing gun violence in leading sch ools, in United States (Lott and Mustard 3).Moreover, arming teachers will help in creating fear to those with the intention of committing a crime. The possession of such weapons will act as a deterrent to attacker (Birnbaum 1). Such criminals will also be aware that such individuals will most likely defend themselves and may lead to the death of the criminal. Moreover, it has been established that a higher arrest and conviction rates acts as a deterrent to crime. The risk of encountering an armed person will create fear to the assailant (University of Chicago Press 1). Consequently, this will help in preventing crimes in campus premises by arming teachers with concealed guns. According to Lott, for each additional year that a concealed handgun law is in effect the murder rate declines by 3 percent (University of Chicago Press 1). This has been effective as possession of such guns reduces the number of attempted crimes as criminals are unsure which potential victims can defend thems elves (University of Chicago Press 1). Furthermore, the victims with such guns are in a better position to defend.Some states have recognized the importance of arming teachers. This has been to the response of shooting experienced in various schools inn these states. One of such states is Dakota that has allowed teachers to carry guns (Wogan 1). There Aare Also Eight That Have Allowed Concealed Firearms In Schools (Wogan 1). The state believes that such an initiative will help to deter violence in its schools. Since this initiative, a number of other states are considering making moves. In fact, over 20 states have been listed as waiting the passage of bills allowing weapons to be carried by teachers and administrators (Wogan 1). This shows that the trend will be followed by other remaining states and hence all schools will be allowed to have teachers with weaponsOn the other hand, allowing teachers to carry weapons will make students feel secure. This is because the recent trend o f shooting has made the majority of the students view campuses as insecure place (Robillard 1). In fact, this may also likely to affect their performance in schools. Some of the students may also opt for home based studies instead of being in the school environment. Therefore, arming teachers will boost the confidence of students being in schools. This is because they will feel their security is secured. Moreover, more students will concentrate of their studies and hence increase their performance. For example, the students commend their teachers that defend them in various shootings that have occurred. A classical example is the Nevada shooting where a teacher dies trying to plead with assailants for the security of the students (Shoichet, Watts and Johnston 1).Arming teachers have been shown successful in some countries. It has been found that arming teachers bolsters securities in these countries. In Israel, it has been found that arming teachers helps in reducing incidents of sc hool massacres (Tepper 1). The precaution has been implemented due to the threat of terrorists strikes in schools. Such teachers also help in buying time before assailant strikes (Tepper 1). This will provide ample time for the police to get into...

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